วันอังคารที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Creating program score of sports petanque with the computer system.

Reasearcher  Team  :  SM1  Anacha  Pienthong and team
Institute                     :  Faculty of Liberal Arts   and Faculty of   Sports Science and
                                     Health  , Institute of Physical Education   Chonburi  Campus

Annual  and  Importance  of this research  :

                          Institute  of Physical Education  is the  new institute  started under the provision of  Physical Education  Act  2005  which was declared in government gazette on  February 4th   2005  and  took effect as from  February 5th

2005 .
                                According to 7 topics of strategy especially the fourth one that intend to  besuperior in sports  because Institute of  Physical Education   is the specific  institute  ,so  we intend  to practice our students to realize in sports and exercises  including  competition  management  in many sports and games  and sharing experience  directly  in competition.
                              Institute  of Physical education   Chonburi Campus  managed  competition  in many sports and games such as football , volleyball , basketball , athletics   , petanque ,  etc.  The research team  aimed to  the importance of sports and games development  linking  together  with sports and games technology to upgrade  to sports  international  management.   And Institute of Physical Education   Chonburi campus is the under graduate  institute that produces  B.A. graduated  in Physical Education  ,  sports management  and  other  related area,  we   realize in  producing  new  technology  of sports , exercises and activities   by practicing students to participate the process of thinking,  producing research and creating  the  research  that related to  their own profession  in order to use it in practicing  their sports and games   , exercising  , and   activities  which can really  use in their daily routine life or  to  be able  to add up  in  business part  to  support  the students to create  new idea and see the  profit of making new technologies  both for  themselves and for the public . Besides  that  in order to  response to The  National  Development  Plan  of  Ministry of Tourism & Sports  , we  have idea to create new sports program  technology  in  scoring  petanque  matching which 
Purposes of this project
          To make a new sport technology of  programming  score  for  Petanque   game  using  computer system. 
Procedure of this project Implement

        For this research,  we use   trial activities of  lecturer co-operate team   from Faculty of  Liberal   Arts  and Faculty of Sports and Health    with 3rd year students  

 from Faculty of Liberal   Arts,  Institute   of Physical  Education, Chonburi Campus . The  implement procedure  of  this  project  were : 
                      1   Plan to   proceed   outline   of  creating  new technology of sports  exercises and activities .
                       2   Presentation   for   project  approving
                       3    Appointment procedure   committee
                       4    Arrange   the meeting of the committee and related people
                       5   Implement action

          5.1   Divided  10 students into 5 groups  ,  2 students  for   each group and let  them   brain storming on  writing the outline of creating new technologies in  sports,exercises and activities .Then   let each group  presenting their  topics  to   carry out and analyze  together in order to present to the consultant lecturer by the following outlines : 
Group 1   Topic:   Exercise machine made from  a chair.
Group 2    Topic :  Make  powerful ball
Group  3   Topic  : Elastic Rubber for health
Group  4    Topic :  Petanque  score board
Group  5    Topic  :   Shirt for releasing weight  by sand bag.
         5.2  Each group presented to the consultant and other  students  (the members)  to choose the  product. 
         5.3 The consultant lecturers and the students were choosing and scoring. The chosen project   was   Petanque  score board    because it was voted  the most .
         5.4  All students wrote the project and tried to create new technology.

Experiment  trial  way       
                       1 )     Modified   model  of  new   technology and changed the name of the project to be   Creating a Petanque Scored Program  Using  Computer  System“
                       2 )    Presented   this project to the consultant   lecturer to approve
                       3 )   Studied   theory  for creating new technology  in sports, the rule of petanque  game and  procedure of   writing program. After that, the students desired their new  technology   by analyzing the petanque game to find its problem , the game was popular for  the old because it needs high concentration in playing games, amusing  and enjoyable. Petanque   was set as the competition  in many levels, such as  ASEAN GAMES, SEA GAMES, Thailand  Championship Sports, National Sports,  etc.  The result of  Petanque Competition can be observed from the score board  that made from metal plate  or turn over plate made from plastic future board   which  has some weak points that need to  improve  like this

The weak point that should be developed and improved
1.   Non  international standard  for using in the match of  Petanque  competition.
2.  Long time usage  , the elastic rubber inside can  be destroyed easily.
3.  The number was too small to see from far  distance.

The weak point that should be developed and improved

1.  Permanent, unmovable, risk from sunlight burning and rainfall, lack of quality after using for a long time.
2. The number was too small to see from far distance, it  can be seen  only in Short distance or near it only .
3. One board can be used in only one field, if the competition taking place in many fields (there are more than one match) . A lot of money will be spent for the waste equipments
4. Trying or taking experiment to design new technology of Petanque scored program using  computer system  ,   got 3 models  to analyze.
5. Took these 3 models to analyze for finding   the inferior ( weakness) and the superior  (best or strongest)  then improved the inferior one.
6. Got a new technology , wrote the program  by  using “  Visual   Basic” in writing.

                                     Designs of the students

          According to analysing and writing  computer  program  trial , we got new technology  of  Petanque   which create from  research , experiment , trial  by  ourselves   ( lecturers , students  of Institute  of  Physical Education Chonburi   Campus . The theory that  we  use   In  this    research  is  Visual  Basic  Program“  Theory that was used in this research  was Language  program in Microsoft Visual  Studio.net  Which is the program that has graphic  environment. For the root of window Operating System   is  basic language  and work on  Dot-net  Framework that was designed for developed  for  Really  programming  material   and  support  designing with UML = Unified Modeling Language )  We got new technology called Score  Petanque  program with computer system”  Patent  registered by Institute of Physical Education Chonburi Campus in 2010

Ministry of Tourism and Sports.  Petanque rules : Chumchon  Thailand  Agriculturer
Co-operation, 2008.
Natya Sintrakarnpo.   How to create new technology.  Expert Net  Co., Ltd., 2010.
Nom Sungthong.   Petanque competition arrangement.  Improved        
           edition.  Document and  texts Preparing  department,  Taksin University,

Institute of Physical Education.  Strategy Documents Institute of  Physical